Collective practice within pedagogy – Love to Learn
- The collective pedagogy is applied, including use of routines, with quality assurance supporting consistency, and frequent reference to previous learning.
- Outcomes at the end of key stage 2 are improved with misconceptions identified and corrected early, particularly in the four accountability measures.
- Learning journals are the basis for planning, formative assessment and effective feedback, alongside summative assessments.
- Equality of access to the curriculum is ensured through effective use of A-B-C, along with the application of pupil passports and support for core readers.
Reading, writing and oracy– Learn to Live
- Pupils’ fluency with language is embedded as part of learning, including the use of subject-specific reading and quality writing.
- Reading is used effectively within lessons and staff know how to draw out pupils’ comprehension, with DEAR as a daily focus across the curriculum.
- Use of keywords is introduced each lesson, along with hints at past learning, and secured through in-lesson talk.
Pastoral care with consistency – Live to Love
- Pastoral practice supports learning by overcoming barriers and rebuilding relationships where these become fractured.
- Lesson 6 learning is seen as an integral part of planning, with consistent practice across all colleges.
- Maintain the focus on attendance which promotes continuity of learning while addressing matters of concern.