Our school has a small medical room and basic first aid equipment. When accidents can be easily dealt with, they are treated in school. When treatment by a Doctor or Hospital is needed, parents are contacted. All first aid incidents are recorded.
Occasionally, it is necessary to contact parents if their child becomes ill at school. We ask that our school is kept up-to-date with any changes in contact information.
Head Bumps
The School recognises that accidents involving the pupil’s head can be problematic because the injury may not be evident and the effects only become noticeable after a period of time. Where emergency treatment is not required, all bumps to the head will be reported to parents with a ‘head bump’ letter.
Children who need to bring medicines to school must arrange to leave them in the school office for safe keeping. There is a form that we ask parents and carers to complete in such circumstances. We work with parents to develop an appropriate care plan in cases where this is needed.
Medicines should be given to the Reception Office or the School First Aider direct so that they may be held centrally and not by class teachers. Exceptions to this are inhalers for asthma and glucose tablets for diabetics which should be kept with the pupil at all times. Our school has its own salbutamol inhaler for emergency use only. This may apply when the pupil’s own inhaler is lost, out-of-date or broken. Consent for this is obtained from the parent or carer for diagnosed asthmatics.
These are stored in rigid containers in a central location. Two epi-pens per pupil diagnosed with allergy issues are required to be held in school: these are to be named with care plans.
The school adheres to NHS guidance on this matter. The school asks parents to notify us of any known case so that we can monitor any potential epidemic. Head-lice is very infectious and so when a case is suspected in school contact will be made with parents/carers of that child and cooperation will be sought to have the hair treated as soon as possible. There would be a request for the pupil to be collected from school and for their return to follow once treatment given. This is felt to be the most productive and caring way to manage what can be a sensitive situation.