Partial closure (Y5 and Y6 only in school) for Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th March and Friday 20th March


What is the purpose of our curriculum?

Love to Learn

  • We ensure coverage of all aspects of the National Curriculum for Music.
  • Pupils experience a variety of opportunities to develop the skills of performing, composing, listening, reviewing and evaluating.
  • We provide the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument and develop an interest in the performing arts.


Learn to Live

  • We encourage and develop skills for lifelong learning and creativity using a variety of different instruments - Creative Thinker.
  • We develop an appreciation, interest and understanding of the importance of music from around the world - Reflective Learner.
  • We encourage participation in musical activities both in school and in the wider community – Effective Participator.


Live to Love

  • We passionately develop a love of music within our pupils which they will take with them into the future - Honour.

We provide opportunities for pupils to share their love of performing through concerts and musical productions - Aspiration.

Music Development Plan

Music KS2

Music KS3

Learning Journals indicate the progress that a pupil can make within a subject. These do not compare children’s progress with each other but considers their progress against specific statements. The Learning Journals for this subject are:

Year 5

Year 6

Year 7

Year 8


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