What is the purpose of our Curriculum?
Love to Learn
- We ensure coverage of all aspects of the Mathematics National Curriculum
- We intend to provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals, ensuring challenge and problem solving for all abilities.
- We ensure that teaching and learning is varied and reflective to enable every pupil to succeed.
Learn to Live
- We are committed to ensuring that pupils recognise the importance of maths in the wider world and that they are also able to use their mathematical skills and knowledge confidently in their lives in a range of different contexts- Creative Thinker.
Live to Love
- We want all pupils to enjoy mathematics and to experience success in the subject, with the ability to reason mathematically- Achievement.
- We are committed to developing pupils’s curiosity about the subject, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics- Inquisitiveness.
- The teaching of fluency mathematical skills enables our pupils to be secure with the number that is found all around us and explicitly links to real-life- Achievement.
- The mathematical skills pupils have developed can then be taken through as a foundation for the workplace- Aspiration.
Key Stage 2 SATs revision answers:
Ten for ten answer pack - Egg-ceeding
Ten for ten answer pack - Egg-spected
Ten for ten answer pack - Egg-stra support
Learning Journals indicate the progress that a pupil can make within a subject. These do not compare children’s progress with each other but considers their progress against specific statements. The Learning Journals for this subject are: