Partial closure (Y5 and Y6 only in school) for Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th March and Friday 20th March

Pastoral Support

Walkwood Church of England Middle School’s pastoral system aims to create mechanisms and networks of support to ensure all pupils feel safe and happy in school. 

Tutors have responsibility for the pastoral support of their form and offer the personal face of the school. They should be your first point of contact if you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing.  

Students meet daily with Tutors during morning and lunchtime tutor times, for registration, daily notices and collective worship. We aim to help our students gain confidence and maturity through meaningful discussions and consideration of themselves as part of this school and of wider society.   

Each pupil has a designated Head of Year and Pastoral Manager who offer support for complex or ongoing issues in school. Tutors meet regularly with Head of Year and Pastoral Managers to discuss concerns and methods of support. Each week behaviour and wellbeing is reviewed as part of behaviour and inclusion meetings to help the pastoral team identify the right support at the right time for pupils.  

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We feel that the most fulfilled, happy, successful and interesting people balance a busy, challenging work life with a variety of other activities and hobbies.  At Walkwood Church of England Middle School, students are offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities to further their personal development, not only to increase their future options and wellbeing, but also to make a valued contribution to the life of the school. We have a strong behaviour policy in conjunction with a desire for the students to behave and act in a responsible and respectful manner within our community.   


If you have a concern or query: 

In the first instance please contact your child’s Tutor if you have any questions or concerns. You can do this by emailing the office at office@walkwoodms.worcs.sch.ukstating the name of your child’s form tutor. Usually, if a concern is dealt with early it can prevent the situation from escalating and avoid causing your child increased anxiety or upset. Your child’s Form Tutor can ensure that the relevant support or signposting at school can be obtained to best support the needs of each student.  

Within school we have the following support available: 

Tutor Support 

Pastoral Manager support 


Wellbeing and mental health team in schools 


Links with other agencies support 

Please see our Supporting families offer which details further information about what is available locally for parents and their children in the area: 

Pupils, if you need support… 

In school, if you need someone to talk with you can contact your: 

Form Tutor 

Class Teacher 

Head of Year 

Pastoral Manager


If you are concerned for your own safety, or someone else’s, you can speak to any of the staff listed above, or one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr West, Mrs Mckenna or Mrs Lowe. 

At home if you need someone to talk with outside of school you can contact: 

  • A responsible adult such as a parent or other family member